Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why even get out of bed?

Well, I had quite a week. On Monday I got kidnapped, but my captor stopped at a convenience store for a drink and I was able to slip away to the back of the store and lose him. I hid out there for a long time, and survived by sneaking bites of ice cream from the freezer.

Tuesday got really interesting. I was castaway in the ocean on some air mattress with a few strangers. Eventually we floated down to Mexico, where I "woke up" up on some bus. The driver kicked me off and I had to walk home in the snow. I certainly didn't expect snow in Mexico.

The rest of the week: Wednesday - befriended a stray dog; Thursday - ran a marathon; Friday - rolled a stolen RV, then tipped it back up; Saturday - bought a bunch of ice cream, but couldn't keep it from melting.

That all happened while I was in the subconscious. Unfortunately, my waking hours weren't so interesting. Work, filing my taxes, and getting an oil change were highlights of the cognizant moments of my week.

As you can tell, I decided to keep a dream journal. I'm not sure why, maybe I just wanted to find out how messed up my psyche is. And yeah, it's messed up.

I went to a dream interpretation website and checked a few things out. Since two of my dreams involved ice cream, I decided to see what it meant: To see or eat ice cream in your dream denotes satisfaction with your life. Ok, good so far... To see ice cream melt in your dream symbolizes failure to realize your hopes and desires. Dang it!

How about that castaway dream? To dream that you are lost at sea suggest that you are drifting around in life without any direction. Luckily I wasn't at sea forever; as you will recall, I ended up on some bus. To dream that you are riding a bus implies that you are lacking originality and are taking no control over where your life is taking.

After a week of recording dreams, I wondered "why get up at all?" Dreams seemed like a lot more fun than real life, until I found out that all my dreams mean I'm a failure with no direction in life.

Turns out, I'm glad I did my taxes when I was awake: To dream you are paying taxes represents the price you are paying for the way you live. The dream may be stemming from some sort of self-guilt and the debt that you owe to society.


Jeff said...

What does the website say about dreams where I'm racist? Does that mean that I'm racist in real life?

Adam said...

My dreams are all spiritual in nature.

JP Anderson said...

I have many reoccurring dreams. I'm often in places I recognize from other dreams. I also talk myself through the dream. It's as if I'm analyzing my dreams as they happen. I would be very interested to know the concrete answer to why we have dreams and what, if anything, they mean.

Sarah said...

Ooh, very interesting, Ross. I'll have to check out that website.

What about my dream last night that Gabe wouldn't let me sit by him at the school lunch table, even though I really wanted to? Perhaps our love is on the rocks......or could be that he's been gone for two weeks.

Kathy said...

I dreamed I was in Chiana on business and I could not access any of my needed files from my documents. I was frantic. I was locked out of my hotel room and they cut me off from international calling so I could not tell the home office to stop sending more and more requests for samples. The locals kept driving me around in taxi's and feeding me noodles and rice. Then I woke up and realized it was not a dream at all - it was my reality, and it was a nightmare.
